electrical companies in United States

About 6646 results.


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6301 S St, 95817 Sacramento, United States

We are a community-owned, not-for-profit electric service providing low-cost, reliable electricity to approx. 1.4 million people in the Sacramento region.

Holston Electric Co-Op Inc

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1200 W Main St, 37857 Rogersville, United States

Holston Electric Cooperative is customer-owned distributor of TVA power, providing service in Hawkins County and Hamblen County in upper East Tennessee.


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2600 Boones Creek Rd, 37615 Johnson City, United States

Follow us for news and information from BrightRidge. This account is NOT monitored 24/7. Please report outages to: (423) 952-5000.

York Electric Co-Op

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1385 E Alexander Love Hwy, 29745 York, United States

York Electric Cooperative, Inc. is one of 20 member-owned electric co-ops in South Carolina. Founded in 1941, we now have more than 53,000 accounts in York, Lancaster, Chester, and Cherokee coun…

Alabama Power Co

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Northwood Drive 104, 35960 Centre, United States

Alabama Power provides reliable electricity and unparalleled service to 1.4 million homes, businesses and industries in the southern two-thirds of Alabama.

West River Electric Association

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3250 E Highway 44, 57703-4726 Rapid City, United States

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Black Hills Electric Co-Op

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25191 Cooperative Way, 57730 Custer, United States

Black Hills Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Central Texas Electric Co-Op

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386 Friendship Ln, 78624 Fredericksburg, United States

Proudly Serving the Texas Hill Country.

San Isabel Electric Association

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781 E Industrial Blvd, 81007 Pueblo West, United States

San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit, Member-owned electric cooperative serving Southern Colorado communities since 1938. This institution is an equal opportunity provider …

Consumers Energy

Weiss Street 2400, 48602 Saginaw, United States

Consumers Energy is a public utility that provides natural gas and electricity to 6.6 million of Michigan's 10 million residents. It serves customers in all 68 of the state’s Lower Peninsula coun…

Consumers Energy Co

Hackett Road 5131, 48603 Saginaw, United States

Consumers Energy is a public utility that provides natural gas and electricity to 6.6 million of Michigan's 10 million residents. It serves customers in all 68 of the state’s Lower Peninsula coun…

Arkansas Electric

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1 Cooperative Way, 72209 Little Rock, United States

The Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas comprise 17 electric distribution cooperatives, Arkansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp.

Douglas County PUD

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1151 Valley Mall Parkway, 98802 East Wenatchee, United States

Douglas County PUD's mission is to provide the best possible utility services at the lowest possible cost consistent with sound business principles.

East-Central Ia Rural Electric

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2400 Bing Miller Ln, 52345 Urbana, United States

East-Central Iowa REC is an electric cooperative owned by the member-consumers we serve.

Dennard Electric

West 57th Street 706, 79764 Odessa, United States


American Municipal Power-Ohio

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1111 Schrock Rd, 43229 Columbus, United States

American Municipal Power (AMP) is a nonprofit wholesale power supplier and services provider serving 135 members in nine states.

Washington Electric Co-Op

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440 Highland Ridge Rd, 45750 Marietta, United States

Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc., is a Touchstone Energy® cooperative serving 10,500 members in portions of six counties in southeastern Ohio.

PosiGen Solar

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819 Central Ave, Suite 210, 70121 Jefferson, United States

PosiGen provides solar power and energy efficiency to homeowners in Louisiana and Connecticut.

North Attleborough Electric Department

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275 Landry Ave, 02760 North Attleboro, United States

North Attleborough Electric Department (NAED), is a public power utility owned by the people of North Attleborough, MA

Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation

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2500 NC Highway 86 S, 27278 Hillsborough, United States

http://www.pemc.coop Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation is a non-profit electric utility serving 32,000 consumers in parts of Alamance, Caswell, Durham, Granville, Orange and Person countie…

Jackson Electric Membership Corporation

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850 Commerce Rd, 30549 Jefferson, United States

We use our Facebook page to interact with members, but to report an outage, please visit www.jacksonemc.com. This page is not monitored 24/7. Questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you. h…

Bonneville Power Administration

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905 NE 11th Ave, 97232 Portland, United States

Non-profit federal power marketer that sells wholesale electricity from 31 federal dams and one nuclear plant & operates most of the NW high-voltage grid.

Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc.

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16755 Finley Butte Rd, 97739 La Pine, United States

Midstate Electric Cooperative is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative located in La Pine, Oregon.

Radford Electric Department

17th Street 701, 24141 Radford, United States

The Radford Electric Department (RED) is one of more than 2,000 nationwide publicly owned electric utilities serving the citizens of its community.

Craig-Botetourt Electric Co-Op

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26198 Craigs Creek Rd, 24127-0265 New Castle, United States

Facebook Rules of Engagement June 8, 2011 at 9:11am Thank you for visiting Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative’s Facebook fan page. We’ve created this page so you can learn more about what’s hap…